
Voices of Solidarity - Vital Voices | Two Chicks Cocktails


Voices of Solidarity - This event honors the male allies who are increasingly showing courage and compassion, joining the advocacy efforts for the rights of women and girls around the world.  On this special evening, many will join Vital Voices in the global fight to end gender-based violence and honor those who help lead the way.

Two Chicks Cocktails was proud to be a sponsor of the event and provide our premium canned cocktails for the happy hour. 

For a full recap on the event and the charity, click here.


Voices of Solidarity | Two Chicks Cocktails | Vital Voices
Voices of Solidarity | Two Chicks Cocktails | Vital Voices
Voices of Solidarity | Two Chicks Cocktails | Vital Voices
Voices of Solidarity | Two Chicks Cocktails | Vital Voices

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